What is Blackstone?

Named for Sir William Blackstone, the English jurist and scholar whose Commentaries on the Laws of England had a profound impact on the United States Constitution, the Blackstone Legal Fellowship owes its origin to Alan Sears, the Founder of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). Alan envisioned a community of distinguished Christian law students who would be educated by premier legal scholars and jurists, formed by real-world internships, and propelled by an exceptional professional services team to positions of influence, thereby impacting the legal culture and keeping the door open for the Gospel.

The Blackstone Legal Fellowship launched in 2000 with 24 interns, and has since grown to an annual class size of over 180 interns. To date, there are almost 2,800 Blackstone Fellows throughout the United States and around the world. These Fellows have gone on to careers as legislators, academics, corporate leaders, partners in law firms, and advocates for our most fundamental freedoms. And it all started where you stand now – as a law student on the brink of an exciting career!

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The Summer Program

Phase I

June 1st - 14th

Phase I is about rigorous learning, connecting with like-minded faculty and peers from around the country, and discerning what God may be calling you to do with your legal career. Each day includes classroom instruction in legal theory and practice combined with a Christian worldview. This is followed by small group discussions with your peers on the key ideas of the day. Interns also take part in daily devotionals, prayer, and worship. Finally, each day ends with socializing and spirited discussion. Some of the best friendships our interns have ever made began during late-night conversations at Blackstone.

World-Class Faculty

Moreover, the faculty at Blackstone are truly world-class. Past faculty have included:

Edwin Meese III

75th Attorney General of the United States

Ruth L. Okediji

Professor of Law
Harvard Law School

Helen Alvaré

Professor of Law
Antonin Scalia Law School

Sherif Girgis

Associate Law Professor
University of Notre Dame School of Law

Robert P. George

Professor of Jurisprudence
Princeton University

“My experience with the Blackstone program, at which I spoke, was a wonderful one. It gathers the best and brightest Christian law students from around the country.”


Nomination Hearing: Senate Judiciary Committee
October 13, 2020

Phase II

June 15th - August 12th

Phase II is about getting real-world experience at a summer internship that will help launch you into your specific legal career. Once you are accepted into Blackstone, our staff works with you to identify and secure a summer legal internship, taking into account your professional interests, aptitudes, geographical preference, and academic performance. In past years, students have obtained internships at a wide variety of prestigious organizations in the private and public sectors.

Phase III

August 13th - 17th

Phase III is about seeing the legal profession come to life. You will hear from practicing attorneys representing a wide cross-section of the legal world including: high-ranking public officials, distinguished academics, and partners in influential law firms. Faculty members share both their personal and professional journeys, and explain and embody what it means to be a Christian lawyer. Phase III is thus designed to give you exposure to new opportunities in the legal field that you may not have considered, and using this information, to discern and chart out the direction God is calling you to use your gifts. It is also an opportunity to reconnect with friends from Phase I before you return to your respective law schools, reinforcing the connections that will support as you set forth on your legal career.

“For a follower of Jesus Christ who feels called to the profession of law, Blackstone has been indispensable. It’s more than just the world-class professional development that outpaces my top-10 law school, and the fellowship and networking and lifelong friendships. Every day of Blackstone I got up in the morning and went to my seat knowing that I would hear from a man or woman of God who was living and incarnating the Gospel in their profession. I learned from their example every day, and in unique ways they will serve as models for the kind of lawyer that I want to be. Blackstone gave me that vision, and I will be forever grateful.”

Blackstone Fellow, Class of 2020
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Scholarships & Financial Support

Each intern who participates in Blackstone is awarded a $6,300 scholarship to help defray qualified educational expenses. We also cover the cost of airfare, lodging, materials, and most meals during Phases I and III. In addition, we arrange for housing (or provide a housing stipend) for your Phase II internship on a case-by-case evaluation.

Blackstone and the Rest of Your Career

Blackstone is so much more than a summer program. After Phase III, interns are invited to apply to become Blackstone Fellows. Those who are commissioned as Fellows work with a support network of ADF staff, Blackstone Fellows, and other allies to develop a career plan, identify the best job opportunities to advance that plan, craft a resume, prepare for interviews, and get connected to important allies to help you realize your goals. Past Blackstone Fellows have gone on to reach positions of influence in government, law firms, academia, and advocacy, and are eager to pass on those blessings to the next generation – you.

“You have run circles around my career services office – you and your team seem to know more people and more details about firms, government offices, etc. Most importantly, you know me, and my strengths, weaknesses, and my personal aspirations. I think every Fellow would say this is what makes Blackstone so special. Everyone gets special one-on-one treatment. I would not be in the position I am today without Blackstone’s resources.”

Blackstone Fellow, Class of 2017
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This all points to the centrality of community at Blackstone. Just as the Church is not a collection of individuals but a community representing the Body of Christ, so too the Blackstone Legal Fellowship is a community first and foremost. ADF staff regularly host reunions, webinars, and other events to help Fellows build friendships, pray for one another, deepen our knowledge base, learn about current events, and reinforce one another as both lawyers and followers of Christ. Likewise, Fellows are connected to at least one person who can act as a mentor, and they are encouraged to make connections with Fellows both inside and outside their Blackstone class.

Finally, the Fellowship is about engagement. We are called to be faithful in our generation and to engage the legal system and our broader culture. No matter what position or stage of life we happen to be in, the Fellowship is a call to witness to the truth in love. It serves as both a training ground and a springboard for action. Fellows are encouraged to participate in the legal defense of those who are being unfairly attacked, to write articles or to speak in defense of our fundamental rights, and to support the advocacy efforts of ADF and other allies who are working to protect freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the dignity of life, parental rights, and marriage and the family. At the same time, engagement is not “one-size-fits-all,” and looks different for every person in the Fellowship. As a community, we explore together the various ways we can engage with and impact the law and society, all the while discerning what God may be calling each of us to do in the moment.

“The friendships and connections I made at Blackstone are much deeper and more impactful than I ever expected going in. I know I have an entire network of people supporting me in my professional and spiritual pursuits, and I can’t wait for the day that I can give back. Blackstone was more inspiring, more informative, more formational, and more fun than I expected. I am grateful I got the chance to experience it.”

Blackstone Fellow, Class of 2021
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Ready to start your application?